Hi! I’m Timothy Baker, a postdoctoral research fellow at Michigan Medicine developing computer vision solutions to challenges in healthcare.

I am currently seeking a position where I can continue to develop data-drive solutions to challenges in the healthcare, semiconductor, or information technology industries.

Alongside developing technical know-how and expertise, I strive to understand the context of the problem as much as possible. My goal is to develop solutions that have actual impact.

You can reach me at tim[at]bakertim.com to discuss what I may bring to your open data scientist (or similar) role.

Skills overview:

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering; B.Sc. Physics.
  • Python (9 years); Libraries: PyTorch, Lightning, MONAI, Numpy, Pandas, etc.
  • Data science expertise with focus on computer vision and deep learning.
  • Experience developing high throughput neural networks on SLURM computing clusters.
  • Experience developing efficient neural network for on-device machine learning.
  • Led many successful research projects for applications health care and digital design (7+ first-author publications in leading IEEE/ACM venues).

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